I Like You, I Love You - Kagamine Len

Skapat en ny liten kategori "Kär i/In love with". Kommer posta saker i den kategorin som jag verkligen älskar. Allt från musik till pennor ♥
Det här är en låt som jag kärade ner mig i för ett tag sedan. Det är Vocaloid Lens version utav låten Like You, love you ♥ (Tror orginal versionen är sjungen utav Rin, men gillar den här mer.)
Älskar också den här låten för att jag känner igen mig själv i låten.
Postar bara den engelska sångtexten. För att folk ska förstå vad det är som är så gulligt med sången. Vill ni se den japanska sångtexten får nu klicka på video klippet ♥
He-he-he-hey, hey, could you wait a minute?
If you're busy, sorry
Just a little, hey, a little while
I want to talk with you
What can I do? What's the point
Um.. What game should we play?
Word games?
Daqui-"ri".. "Ri"-n
I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this
Are you hungry? Want something to eat?
Umm... I..... I don't have water
Take your eyes off the monitor
I have to simulate distance
And yet I watch that idiot
My throat is dry and I can't speak
Sigh... What to do
I'm being honest, you see....
No good, it's as scary as ever
I want to convey my feelings
Why is it so hard?
He-he-he-hey, hey, could you wait a minute?
If you're busy, sorry
Just a little, hey, a little while
I want to talk with you
What can I do? What's the point
Um.. ro-ro-rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, paper, scissors, iced coffee, I think
I'm sorry, I'm pretty boring
Are you hungry? Want something to eat?
Umm... I..... I don't have water
See, even if it's sudden
It's kind of a weird feeling, sorry
Maybe it's surprising
But, I wanted to hear, err...
Sigh... What to do
I'm being honest, you see....
No good, it's as scary as ever
I want to convey my feelings
Why is it so hard?
I'm being honest, you see....
I-I, I, I, I, I
Hey, you are, um...
I, sorry, wait.. I-I...
I, I, um.. hey..
You're the one that I li...
Hey, honestly %*#, I, um
I, um, um, hey..
You're... um...
I, sorry, wait, he-hey
Umm, I....
You're the one that...!
Hey, I, you're the one that I..
Hey, I, you're the one that I..
I, to you...
Li, li, li-li, li-li, li... li
Li-li-li-li, li, li, li,li
Lii, sigh.. Sorry, I forgot
.... Wait!
Li, li, li-li, li-li-li-li
Li-li-li-li, li.. li.. li.. li
Li, li, li-li, li-li, li.. li
Like, I love you!